Bridge - Client Project
The goal of this project was to design an online platform for Reez Community Foundation (Reez). Through information exchange and support, the platform will expand the Foundation’s capacity and markedly improve access to their target market. My role in this group project was to design the aesthetical appeal of the application, while supporting an intuitive and user-friendly layout.
Onboarding Process
The app provides those aged between 12-25 an online platform to:
Record, reflect, and make meaning of their lived social injustice experiences
Facilitate collective learning through dialogue and action
Have the support, community, and evidence to create lasting change and improve their social justice consciousness
The onboarding process reinforces the application's value and highlights key features.
Photovoice Homescreen
The homescreen displays the feed of photovoices posted by the users. A photovoice is when users take photos of what they believe to be a social concern and then either document or record their reflection of it. Hashtags then group images that share social themes. This allows the Foundation to organize and host community exhibits of chosen social themes. In doing so, it opens up opportunities for participants and Reez to collaborate with community organizations and leaders to create broader change.
Theme Discussion
Encourages group discussions to affirm common themes of concerns collectively.
Uploading Photos
The use of photovoice only requires users to point and shoot what they perceive as a concern. The camera feature allows users to take photos directly through the application or share photos from their phone’s camera roll. The users can then either type and/ or record their reflection of the image. In this way, photovoice is accessible to all and empowers users to acquire and develop advocacy skills.
Other Features
Provides users with resources such as videos and blogs to improve their social justice consciousness
Facilitates users to directly communicate with a Reez social worker once an image of concern is uploaded
User Account
Allows users to uniquely identify themselves in the application and personalize their user experience
Project Summary
The design of the application targets user experience and aesthetical appeal while enhancing the Foundation’s branding. Through the design process, the application accomplished the following objectives:
Empowering users to reflect on personal and community strength
Sharing knowledge about the social justice issues
Creating critical dialogue
Developing and hosting a forum for the presentation of lived experiences
The layout and visual appeal of the app met the mandate and strategic objective of the client while optimizing user experience.