My Design Process.
Users – Gain an understanding of the problem the users are facing to create the right strategy for design success.
Brand – Gain an understanding of the company’s values and mission to ensure the project contributes to the company’s overall goal.
User Research – Discover the underlying needs and requirements of the user through interviews, focus groups, surveys, and/or usability testing.
Competitor & Market Analysis – Examine the competitors and the latest trends to identify any gaps in the market.
User Personas – Create an archetypal representation of customers to build empathy with target users and identify their exact needs from the product.
User Flows/ Journey Map – Create paths taken by a prototypical user to complete a task in the least number of steps.
Low-Fidelity Mockup – Create wireframes that show the interface’s structure and functionality. They present information that will be on each page and communicates the overall direction of the user interface.
High-Fidelity Mockup – Create the visual design of the interface by use of color scheme, typography, iconography and illustration. It also consists of creating design inception, mood boards, style tiles and style guide.
Prototype & Test.
Interactive Prototype – Implement animation to demonstrate user flow process and interactivity. It showcases the interface’s motion, feedback and framework.
Usability Testing – Evaluate the prototype’s overall user experience by assessing its ease of use and learnability.